Welcome to the dark and twisted realm known as, my website. My name is Laura V., but you can call me Mina Dracul. I'll be your guide to the dark side. Now, join me on the other pages and enjoy your stay. It's a scream!
I first saw "The character Lestat" in Interview with the Vampire early this year (2002). I thought he was fascinating and decided to learn more about him, and then Queen of the Damned came out with Stuart Townsend as Lestat. Stuart Townsend did a great job as Lestat, and Tom Cruise did exceptional as well. |
Do you have a Lestat or Vampire site?
Do you have a Vampire site, or a Lestat site? If you'd like to start a Vampire site ring, send me an e-mail. Please include, your name, your site title (if you have one),and a link to you site. Thanx
E-mail me your site
Do you have an idea for a good Vampire poll?
If you ahve a good idea for a poll then please either e-mail me or leave your suggestion in the BOOK OF THE DEAD! |

Don't forget to sign my "Book of the dead" with any site suggestions and comments you have about my site. Or send me an e-mail and tell me what you think of my site.
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